Happy Christmas at FV Hospital

Christmas season is back at FV Hospital. This year, although there are challenges because of the Covid-19 pandemic, FV Hospital still managed to give a fun and warm Christmas day to the children and pediatric patients being treated at FV and FV Saigon Clinic. On the chilly morning of 24 December, Santa Claus and FV’s beautiful fairy came to the lobby and pediatric department to give beautiful gifts to the children with Christmas cheer. In addition, FV also prepared lovely colorful balloons to give away and a funny clown who transformed the balloons into different shapes according at the children wanted.

2021 is a memorable and emotional year for us. Happiness, sadness, worry, and canceled plans. But let’s put the worries aside because Christmas is the highlight of the year, symbolizing the miracle that brings many wishes for a better future. The wishes are not only for children, Christmas has special meanings for everyone regardless of age, especially for patients who are hospitalised and cannot be united with their families during the festive period.

FV hopes that burning the festive season and to welcome the new year 2022, this was a gift bringing warmth, peace, and blessing to our patients and customers. We also hope this presentation will give motivation and faith to everyone, especially our patients.

A Christmas season has now pasted and to welcome an exciting and wonderful new year. FV wishes customers, patients, and your relatives a healthy, peaceful, and successful new year.