(INFOGRAPHIC) – Strict Publishing Process for “Patient Education Materials”

“Patient Education Materials” (PEM) are concise and useful leaflets containing information about diseases, treatment methods, medical techniques. They are compiled by FV Hospital for patients and the community. These materials serve as both summaries and important reminders related to patients’ treatment processes, as well as valuable and essential knowledge for everyday healthcare.

With over 200 PEMs in circulation (including both printed and electronic versions), covering content from many specialties, PEMs are considered a significant repository for FV and its patients.

However, for a “Patient Education Materials” to reach the hands of patients, it must undergo a rigorous and meticulous drafting and review process. The journey from content conception to final printing typically involves six departments, including the close involvement of the CEO and experienced experts, members of the Patient and Family Education Committee at FV Hospital.

As such, it may take from 1 to 5 months to complete one PEM. Additionally, every three years, these PEMs are considered expired and undergo a thorough review and approval process to ensure the accuracy and verify the information is up to date. This is not to mention the adjustments made based on feedback from doctors, specialists, and direct users of the materials – patients and their families.

Below, the FV Family will attempt to summarise the process, in a simplified manner, of how to produce “Patient Education Materials” or PEMs


You can see the “Patient Education Materials” placed in specialty clinic areas or waiting lounges at FV. These materials will also be provided by doctors during the treatment process, or you can see online versions here.