Is Paying a High Salary the Best Way to Retain Talented Doctors in Private Hospitals?

Many medical experts believe that salary and benefits, while important, are not the key factors in attracting and retaining talented doctors in the long term.

Highly skilled doctors typically desire more than a high income. They value modern medical equipment and a professional working environment that allows them to focus on practicing medicine and saving lives. They strive to excel in their careers by contributing new innovations within their respective specialties.

The stories of doctors at FV Hospital serve as an example.

FV Hospital creates conditions for doctors to meaningful contributions to healthcare and thrive in their medical careers.

Dr Nguyen Van Te: “I believe FV is the best place to work”

In 1997, after receiving specialised training in nuclear medicine and thyroid diseases in France, Dr Nguyen Van Te was eager to contribute to the development of nuclear medicine in Vietnam. However, at that time, many hospitals were deteriorating and equipment frequently broke down, and Dr Te felt helpless.

In 2003, when he heard that FV Hospital was recruiting experts in the field of nuclear medicine, Dr Te quickly seized this opportunity.

Dr Nguyen Van Te – Head of Nuclear Medicine, FV Hospital

Thinking back to his first visit to FV Hospital, the doctor said, “It was the first time I had the opportunity to work with state-of-the-art dual-head CT scanners. The nuclear medicine department at FV had all the necessary equipment I needed to do my job. I felt very happy.”

His happiness stems from having complete facilities to practice medicine and the opportunity to apply the knowledge he had acquired in a working environment.

At FV Hospital, Dr Te also had the opportunity to learn from leading experts from Europe. He was sent to France to enhance his skills and gained the trust of the hospital’s leadership through his proposals to implement advanced treatment procedures from around the world.

Under Doctor Te’s supervision, the Nuclear Medicine Department applied imaging techniques to diagnose coronary artery disease, thyroid disorders, pulmonary embolism; evaluate the morphology and function of the kidneys; detect adrenal tumours and metastases; and detect bone metastases from cancer, among other issues.

“From the very beginning, I believed FV was the best place to work. That is still true today,” affirms Dr Te.

Dr Vo Kim Dien expressed, “If I were to leave FV, I’m not sure I would be able to help as many patients.”

Dr Dien is another doctor who has been dedicated to FV for the past 20 years. After completing radiation therapy training in France in 1995, he did not have the opportunity to apply what he had learned upon returning to Vietnam due to the lack of equipment available to him.

“At that time, I was the deputy head of the radiation therapy department at a major hospital in Ho Chi Minh City but had no radiation therapy machines—we lacked the right weapons for our fight against cancer. When I learned that FV Hospital was equipped with highly advanced and interconnected radiation therapy machines, I thought that by joining FV, I could help many more patients,” recalls Dr Dien.

Dr Vo Kim Dien – Deputy Head of Hy Vong Cancer Care Centre, FV Hospital. 

As one of the first doctors to establish the Hy Vong Cancer Care Centre, Dr Dien has contributed significantly to the development of the department.

Hy Vong Centre quickly applies advanced treatment techniques and has become a popular destination for patients seeking advice on treatment options.

According to Dr Dien, FV Hospital is the first hospital to have a multidisciplinary tumour board process in cancer treatment, which helps improve treatment effectiveness. The centre focuses on conservative and minimally invasive treatments, reducing the recurrence rate and improving the quality of life for patients.

“While other private hospitals can easily acquire the same equipment, the effectiveness of care comes from our team spirit. I have received many invitations from other hospitals, but I choose to stay here as if I leave the FV environment, I may not be able to help patients to the same degree,” says Dr Dien.

The opportunity for personal development in a medical-standard environment

Dr Phan Van Thai’s story is interesting from another perspective. Twenty years ago, he was a resident physician at a hospital in Hue. Full of enthusiasm and love for his profession, he decided to apply to FV Hospital. On his first day of submitting his application, the hospital was still under construction and Nguyen Van Linh street was deserted. Everything was a world away from what the young doctor had imagined.

However, when he had the opportunity to interact with the professional, enthusiastic team of French doctors and understand the hospital’s modern equipment acquisitions, Dr Thai quickly regained his trust in the strong development future of FV Hospital. During his early days there, he had the opportunity to learn and work with top French surgical experts to develop his specialised skills.

Dr Phan Van Thai – Head of the General & Thoracic Surgery Department 

As Dr Thai expected, FV Hospital has become a place where doctors who want to dedicate their wholehearted efforts to saving patients, like him, can develop their careers. Dr Phan Van Thai is currently Head of the General & Thoracic Surgery Department at FV Hospital, and he is also a leading expert in general and digestive surgery, with strengths in thyroid, liver, gallbladder, pancreas, stomach, and colon surgery. He is also well-known for his willingness to take on challenging cases.

“FV has created an international-standard environment, with tightly coordinated processes recognized by JCI. If I encounter difficult situations requiring expert opinions, the multidisciplinary team, board of directors, and my colleagues offer their supportive in a timely and flexible manner,” shares Dr Thai.

Creating a conducive environment for the career advancement of the medical team

The experiences shared by Dr Thai, Dr Te and Dr Dien are just a few of many inspiring stories from the medical team at FV. From a few hundred staff members in the early days of operation, FV has now grown to have over 1,300 employees, including 236 highly trained doctors who treat complex medical conditions.

FV brings together a team of highly skilled and dedicated doctors who are committed to their profession. 

When it was first established, key positions at FV Hospital were mostly held by foreign doctors. Today, many positions, including department heads and deputy heads in the hospital’s 36 specialised departments, are filled by Vietnamese doctors.

Through collaboration and technology transfer, as well as learning from world-renowned doctors and experts, the medical team at FV Hospital has the opportunity to enhance their skills and knowledge. Within an environment that provides maximum support in terms of equipment, technology, and JCI-standard procedures, doctors have the chance to thrive in their careers.