FV Hospital offers various weight management methods for patients with mild to severe obesity. People who are overweight or mildly obese can lower their BMI through diet and exercise regimes or medication. However, in cases where desired results aren’t achieved or for individuals with a high BMI, laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy is the optimal choice.
Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy involves removing a section of the stomach, reducing it to a small tube which limits the volume of food someone can in a given period, ergo the number of calories consumed. The surgery removes the portion of the stomach containing the hunger-inducing hormone ghrelin, reducing the patient’s appetite while preserving their enjoyment of eating and feeling satisified, further facilitating effective weight loss.
At FV, sleeve gastrectomy is carried out using laparoscopic techniques. Surgeons make several small incisions, approximately one to two centimetres long, on the abdominal wall, then use a stapling device to cut and remove the stomach along its length while suturing the remaining stomach into a functional tube. Endoscopic methods are less invasive then open surgery and offer the advantage of a faster recovery with less pain and discomfort, enabling patients to resume normal activities quickly and be discharged within five days.

Dr Phan Van Thai (Head of General Surgery Department, FV Hospital) says that surgery is effective for patients aged 16 to 60 year who have a BMI of 35 or higher, or 30 or higher with associated conditions such as diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol, or sleep apnoea. Surgery is performed using endoscopic techniques at FV Hospital, ensuring sterility and compliance with international healthcare standards set by JCI.
In recent years, FV has performed over 30 laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy surgeries for obese patients. Within 12 months of surgery, the average BMI (body mass index) of patients decreased from 37.5 to 25, with an average weight loss of 35 kg, potentially reducing excess body weight by 83 per cent. Those patients who lost more weight than average achieved even better health outcomes.
Ms Kristy Anne Smith, a patient from South Africa, underwent a challenging weight loss journey. Upon arrival at FV, her weight was 116 kilograms (kg). After undergoing surgery and receiving meticulous guidance and counselling from doctors, Kristy achieved her goal of losing 53 kg. Currently, she maintains a weight of 63 kg and enjoys a healthy life.

Mr Hoang Du Khai (28 years old, residing in Ho Chi Minh City) shared that his body underwent significant positive changes after undergoing laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy. Obesity caused inconvenience in his daily life, accompanied by conditions such as hypertension, a fatty liver, and elevated blood sugar levels. After surgery at FV, his weight gradually decreased from 144 kg to about 90 kg. Remarkably, his blood sugar, blood pressure, liver fat, and other indicators returned to standard levels. “I am very satisfied because now my body is healthy, and I feel no pressure,” Khai happily shared.

At FV, treating obesity through laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy involves the collaboration of surgical doctors, internal medicine doctors, nutrition experts, sports medicine physicians, and psychologists, who work together to provide comprehensive treatment, care, and management of complications. FV’s goal is to help patients lose weight effectively and safely, while also ensuring a comfortable, confident post-treatment mindset.