More than 200 guests attend FV’s seminar ‘advances in the diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular diseases’

On the morning of June 30, 2018, FV Hospital held the seminar “Advances in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Cardiovascular Diseases” at the Continental Hotel, District 1. More than 200 guests attended.

The seminar started at 8:30 am, but many people arrived early to experience examinations of the arteries in each of their limbs by advanced ABI apparatus, and to have their body composition anaalysed by the latest INBODY S10 machine. Because results were delivered a few minutes after examination, doctors were able to offer consultations on a case-by-case basis.

At the seminar, Dr Huynh Ngoc Long, Head of Cardiology, FV Hospital presented “Advances in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Cardiovascular Diseases”, sharing the latest knowledge in this field with attendees.

Next, Dr Luong Ngoc Trung from FV’s Vascular Surgery Department spoke about “Advances in the Treatment of Vascular Diseases” followed by a talk on “Reasonable nutrition to prevent and treat cardiovascular diseases” by Dr Nguyen Viet Quynh Thu, Head of Clinical Nutrition Department, FV Hospital. The two doctors concluded with an overview of the importance of screening for cardiovascular diseases and proper nutrition, as well as the most advanced treatments within these fields available today.

In this relaxed, comfortable setting, guests and doctors from FV Hospital were able to freely exchange information and every query put to doctors during the Q&A was meticulously answered.

Due to the limited time allotted, many participants were sorry when the seminar had to end as they wanted to explore more about this topic with FV’s physicians. This seminar was a great success and everyone at FV Hospital would like to send our sincere thanks for the contributions of everyone involved.

In addition, visitors are invited to meet and talk further with FV Hospital doctors during FV’s weekly Cardiovascular Club.
Time: 3 PM, every Wednesday.
Location: Auditorium, 3rd floor, Building F, 6 Nguyen Luong Bang Str., District 7. The club offers free entrance to everyone.

We wish you good health and every success!