Pneumex – Advanced Technology for Rehabilitation

Disc syndrome, stroke and post-surgical orthopedic issues are among the most common problems suffered by people. ACC Chiropractic Clinic – a member of FV Group – is the first clinic in Southeast Asia to implement Pneumex therapy, a seven station rehabilitation system developed in US by an aerospace engineer. The Pneumex program is an aggressive, documentable approach to proactive and reactive spinal care.

Pneumex equipment applied under specialized training supports development of cutting edge programs that provide treatments for the entire spectrum of spinal care. For any goals of rehabilitation, geriatric care, general fitness or specific professional athletic conditioning, Pneumex Programs would be able to produce effective results in meeting expectations. The doctors in consultation with physical therapists will develop individualized treatment plans for patients experiencing:

  • Acute and chronic back pain
  • Disc herniations
  • Osteoporosis
  • Balance or coordination problems
  • Diabetic neuropathies
  • Orthopedic conditions
  • Stroke patients
  • Performance training for professionals and athlete individuals

The Pneumex program combines different types of equipment which include:

  • Traction – This equipment allows for longitudinal traction on the spine in the supine position bringing out specific desired systematic responses (neurological and circulatory). The machine is beneficial for many conditions such as acute/chronic pains, disc herniation, sciatica, etc.
  • Unweighted treadmill – This equipment can be used to lift patients who otherwise are not able to lift themselves. The equipment takes a patient’s body weight off but allows the patient to walk and move freely. The unweighted treadmill is perfect for elderly patients and patients with gait or balance issues.
  • Back Training – This equipment retrains muscles. It is a unique piece of equipment to unweight a person’s back, relax back muscles and activate core muscles.
  • Vibration – This equipment helps increase blood flow and circulation along with relaxing muscles and ligaments. Studies have shown that vibration at specific frequencies helps to optimize body balance and muscle strength.
  • Back Stretch – This equipment allows patients to actively stretching their whole body to improve flexibility and range of motion.

Positive result from a patient treating with Chiropractic & Pneumex Program at ACC

In addition, the program may also include combined treatment of Active Therapeutic Movement (ATM2). The ATM2 device is a vertical treatment table with specialized belts that allow you to be safely supported while the specific body areas causing pain are comfortably compressed and positioned. Within minutes of using the ATM2, the painful movements can become completely pain-free!


Mr. Phan Van Duc, 60 years old from Thu Duc was diagnosed with bulging disc #3mm in L4/L5 without nerve pinching and herniation in disc L5/S1 #6mm on the right side, pinching the nerve on S1’s right side. Patient has right leg pain and numbness, with the pain worsening when walking and as such, he needed to use wheelchairs.

At ACC, he was prescribed treatment plan of 12 sessions including chiropractic adjustments and Pneumex rehabilitation. The condition much improved after 5 sessions and from the 6th visit, he could walk again. After 12 sessions, he feels no more pain, with only numbness remaining on the right side. Mr. Duc could walk on his own without any support from family, and can finally enjoy his life without any pain. At the moment, he still comes to the clinic for maintenance treatments once every month, to ensure the results continue to be maintained on long term basis and to minimize risks of having recurrence of the same problem.

According to Dr. Wade Brackenbury (D.C., Medical Director of ACC Chiropractic Clinic), in Vietnam when a patient suffers from disc herniation, most of the time they would first think of medication or surgery as cure. The combined treatment of Chiropractic & Pneumex Rehabilitation Program can offer a good effective alternative, especially for patients with high risks of complications when either taking medicine or undergoing surgeries due to existing prohibitive conditions.


Established in 2006, ACC is the first qualified and licensed chiropractic clinic in Vietnam. From April 6th, 2022, ACC officially become a member of FV group. ACC contribute to the community by providing patients access to effective personalized medical care with treatments of international standard in Vietnam. Since inception, many patients suffering from acute and chronic spinal and musculoskeletal problems such as disc syndrome, spinal degeneration, back, neck, shoulder & knee pains, sciatica, sport injuries, scoliosis & feet problems have been successfully treated at ACC.

Contact us to book appointment with our doctors in HCMC:

ACC 99 Nguyen Du, District 1, HCMC: (028) 3939 3930

ACC 1F, Tan Da Court, 86 Tan Da, District 5, HCMC (028) 3838 3900