Proper nutrition for the elderly

According to the MOH’s report, Vietnamese’s average longevity is 73.4 years, but the healthy period is only 64 years. That means everyone has about 10 last years of his life in unhealthy conditions. Most illnesses in the elderly are associated with malnutrition.

According to Dr Nguyen Viet Quynh Thu, Head of Dietetics & Nutrition – FV Hospital, malnourished elders are exposed to a higher risk of infectious diseases due to their weaker immune system. They also suffer from a higher risk of death if they are suffering from age-related diseases.

To provide healthcare and proper nutrition education to our elder community, FV Hospital will host the seminar: “Common health problems in the elderly, and their nutrition solutions” at 14:30, 23rd November 2017, at the Auditorium, FV Hospital. Dr Nguyen Viet Quynh Thu will be the key speaker at this seminar.

Elderly people often have weaker immunity and function, decreased dietary intake, muscle loss and decreased bone strength. When these issues combine with the unbalanced nutrition, elderly people are at higher risk of obesity, cardiovascular conditions, obstipation, osteoporosis and diabetes, etc.

Vietnam’s elders need a proper diet to avoid these health problems.

To register your participation, please contact Ms Kim Ngan – Nutrition & Dietetics Unit at (028) 5411 3333, Ext. 1030 or 016 4578 0991