Shining star of Aug 2023

FV Shining Star of August 2023 – Dao Thi Xuan My is a young nurse with a lot of enthusiasm for her work. Her dedication and desire to develop her career have built-up her enthusiastic spirit that has been proven by this award. Specifically, Mr Do Chi Tam (Head Nurse of ICU) mentioned that My was the first person in the ICU to receive the award FV Shining Star.

Many members of the FV Family may remember her impressive English presentation ability when Xuan My represented the ICU team in recent competitions. She stated, “One of the reasons I wanted to work at FV is because foreign languages are often used in the workplace”. Xuan My believes that working here not only provides opportunities to develop her foreign language skills, but also expertise and a professional work style.

Although she has only spent two years at FV, Xuan My did not hide her intention to engage long-term with the hospital. She appreciates the opportunities she has received, as FV is always willing to accept young nurses and train them for senior positions. “I didn’t think someone like me, without much experience, would be able to work in the ICU, so I really appreciate my current job”, Xuan My shared excitedly.

Viewed from outside of the medical industry, it is not difficult to imagine that working in the ICU is a position requiring both professional and mental pressure. However, this young nurse desired that position. She mentioned that the outpatient nursing job in her previous hospital was quite busy, but the intensity and amount of knowledge needed were somewhat insufficient for the energy of a young person. Therefore, the new challenges in the ICU, the busy work load, and the myriad of things to learn have provided My with more satisfaction in her career.

“Although caregiving operations can be repetitive, the work always changes. Every patient and every conversation helps me discover something new”, My shared. Additionally, for her, the ICU is a very supportive team, always ready to guide new people, show them and train them every step of their way. Even though Xuan My has to travel 20 km to the hospital every day, which is much more difficult than her previous job, she still thinks that what she gets in return is completely worth the effort.

With the enthusiasm of youth and passion for nursing, Xuan My is always ready to learn other specialties when given the opportunities. However, she is also sure that she will constantly learn and delve deeper into a certain field. This not only brings quality work but also provides greater benefits to patients when nursed by skilled and knowledgeable nurses.

FV Shining Star August 2023 – Dao Thi Xuan My believes that confidently sharing her knowledge with everyone will definitely bring her worthy rewards. We wish you good health, always maintaining positivity, and finding joy in the nursing job which is always appreciated by the society.