Shining star of Dec 2022

The last FV Shining Star award in 2022 was given to Ms Than Thi My Dung (Medical Secretary – Obstetrics and Gynaecology Department). For Ms Dung, this award is an honour for herself, and for FV, it is a sincere appreciation after 11 years of dedication.

Recalling the first day when she started working at FV, the new approach to the medical field caused many difficulties for Ms Dung. However, those challenges made her love the job as a medical secretary more. She shared: “I feel fortunate to have found this job and I will continue to dedicate myself to FV for a long time.” From the very beginning, Dung’s willingness has helped her build the passion for her job every day.

No job is easy, yet the enthusiasm of many colleagues, like the fellow FV Shining Stars, makes us feel confident to start a new day. There are good days and bad days, especially in a hospital, with many patients and colleagues from different backgrounds, and with so many different emotions. After many years, Dung understands that maintaining sympathy for others would make a working day easier and happier.

The working environment at FV also brings strong connection and good support according to Ms Dung. Being a medical secretary is like a bridge between teams It requires social skills such as communication, emotional control, especially time management and organising skill. After 11 years of work, these skills are now a gift that Ms Dung is able to share with new members. “From medical knowledge to specific work skills, I can apply a lot in my daily life,” added Ms Dung.

To choose one thing that made her want to stick with FV for the rest of her career, Dung thinks it’s the people. Besides happy memories with the support and sharing with colleagues, there are also sad memories of the patient’s difficult illnesses and pain. Each patient brings a story, with emotions, that enrich the experience for her in the home life and work life.

FV Shining Star of December 2022, Ms Than Thi My Dung said: “Perhaps, the most needed thing to work in a hospital is the dedication and empathy for others”. That helps everyone build an enthusiastic and considerate manner to the hospital. We wish Ms Dung a lot of joy in life and she always keeps the love for her chosen career.