Shining star of Feb 2022

During many years working as a nurse, Ms Nguyen Thi Hoang Thanh (Nursing – Surgical Ward) spends most all of her time taking care of patients at the General & Thoracic Surgery Department, in which nearly seven years are at FV Hospital. Working in an international work environment brings much joy and experiences. With her gradual and continuous efforts, she has achieved the Shining Star for February 2022.

Looking back when she first started the job at FV, Ms Thanh remembers she felt both surprised and excited to work here. She said: “The working environment at FV is completely different from previous employers; I liked it from day one.” Over the years, the improvements in service quality, care procedures, as well as the introduction of more diverse treatments in the Department have helped Ms Thanh increase her desire to continue devoting herself here.

Besides, the support from all levels of management also has created a distinct FV in her heart. “The brothers and sisters in  the Surgery Department are my second family, when I go to work I hardly feel any pressure,” said Ms Thanh. In nearly 7 years at FV, for Ms Thanh, perhaps the working in the COVID-19 Treatment Department is the most difficult. Yet she still found it was just “a little more work”. In return, it has brought many good additions for her future career.

The best thing that she can do to pay back to this companionship is to work hard to learn more and to take care of the patients with all her heart. During the daily work, of course, there are many patients who are uncomfortable due to illness or stress, but Ms Thanh believes that if she knows how to listen and to be more compassionate, the job will also become easier. More importantly, there are always many colleagues backing for her and the Nurse Leaders are always ready to help her overcome difficult cases. It was always the sense of security and confidence that are required of a medical staff.

Ms Thanh is a gentle and quiet person. Perhaps that is why being a nurse is not difficult for her. At the same time, she has learned much knowledge and life lessons from everyone around. From the daily care, to the conversation with the patients, she gained much insight, and also got extra joy to work and life.

Like many Shining stars before, Ms Nguyen Thi Hoang Thanh believes that her diligence and sincerity for the hospital and the patients will surely bring success and peace to her life. Congratulations to Ms Thanh with the recognition in February 2022, we wish Ms Thanh will always keep her calmness and enthusiasm in her future journeys.