FV’s Shining Star to start the year of 2023 – Nguyen Thi Ha Phuong Dung (Nursing – Outpatient Clinic Department/OPD) is an enthusiastic and energetic young person. Like most nurses in OPD, the vibrant work environment is one of the strengths that brought Phuong Dung to the FV Shining Star Award.

The young nurse emphasised three times that her Shining Star award should have been for the OPD. The award brought her a surprise, and made her shy in being honoured as Dung is one of the youngest members in the OPD team. For FV staff, being nominated for a Shining Star not only for their excellence in work, but, above all, for their efforts and willingness to excel themselves.

The first impression of the clean, beautiful hospital with a professional working space and logic to the process have made a strong impression to Phuong Dung. She shared: “In my previous work at other hospitals I was often overloaded; sometimes there was no chance to increase work efficiency”. On the contrary, in 3 years at FV, Phuong Dung found herself focused on her professional work and found opportunities to improve her knowledge.

Her youth also helps Phuong Dung have more positivity at work; she was happy to recall. “In the beginning, there were many difficulties, but it was the motivation for me to learn more to overcome those challenges. But now, I don’t feel any pressure.” From professional learning from senior team members and through standardised procedures, to continuous training programmes; have all helped her further her knowledge and enhance her foreign language skills. The busy pace at work helps the young nurse grow and build her love for her current workplace.

When she was a student, Phuong Dung was always impressed with the nursing instructor’s words of wisdom. “If you can watch and see, and empathy with a patient’s discomfort, care becomes an easier thing to do,” she said. With that in mind, Phuong Dung hopes her career path will continue to develop, with the humility to learn and practice patience and open and sharing attitude with patients our FV.

In daily life. to work for which you have been trained for is the desire of many people. Moreover, when the working environment has right tools for us to implement “things we learned”, it is easier to nurture passion, and advance in our career.

Once again, congratulations to Nguyen Thi Ha Phuong Dung on the first FV Shining Star award in 2023. We wish you enthusiasm in your work, as well as joy in your daily life.