Shining star of Jun 2022

Being one of the first members of the FV Family, Ms. Le Thi Yen (Care Assistant – Accident & Emergency) said that she has many reasons to love her work at the hospital. It is difficult to say all the contributions of loyal staff member like Yen, but with the FV Shining Star award in June 2022, it can be considered partly a recognition of FV for her.

During her over 19 years of work at FV, Ms Yen has worked in many different departments and is currently working in the Accident & Emergency Department. “Now, I find that the job in the Emergency Department is more suitable for me after many years working,” explained Ms Yen. The ability to change of position to suit the employees’ abilities, health and aspirations is what makes her feel secure working at FV. Because of this, Yen wants to stay with FV hospital for a long time, as long as her health and labor regulations allow it.

The clean, beautiful working environment and high quality equipment make patient care activities more convenient are what Yen likes the most at FV. She shared, when I like a job and have support from in terms of people and means of work, inevitably the feeling of engagement to that place will increase over the years. In addition, FV focuses on recruiting quality staff members and a continuous training system, which also contributes to a more positive working atmosphere. Yen realizes that over the years, this has created a strong bond between her and FV.

Ms Yen has been working at FV for more than 19 years, but has been in the care assistant profession for more than 25 years. She still clearly remembers the difference when she first entered an international environment like FV. A lot of things to learn, a lot of effort to put in, but in return the knowledge and experience she received is well worth the effort. She said: “In the past, we learned little by little, not only about our profession but also about communication and behavior, so everyone become closer.” Currently, the number of employees is growing, with most of them being young people, so the atmosphere is a bit rushed and less friendly than before. This seems to leave something incomplete in her heart, after nearly 20 years at the hospital.

The following years may be the last years of Ms Yen’s career, but she still is full of enthusiasm as a medical worker who loves her profession. Her wish is simply that the hospital will reopen the internal training courses, to help people communicate better, be more confident and most importantly, have the opportunity to get close to each other. Finally, she shared: “I think as long as I wholeheartedly do my job, the reward will come to me”. It’s the encouragement agreed by so many different people at FV.

Congratulations to Ms Le Thi Yen once again with the award of FV Shining Star in June 2022. Wish you good health, to continue to find joy in work and in life, and to encourage many young colleagues.