Shining star of Oct 2022

Anyone who has met with Mr Nguyen Tran Bao Duy (Receptionist/Cashier – Orthopaedics Department) can feel the special affection he has for FV Hospital. For the October ‘22 FV Shining Star, having the opportunity to work and contribute to the development of FV has been his dream-come-true and pride for years.

In his 8 years working at FV, the biggest impression Bao Duy has is the humanity seen in many aspects. “FV not only has humanity in the way people treat each other; more specifically, it also shows between people and objects around them,” Duy shared. Each employee’s care and maintenance of equipment and tools, for him, is showing the love that the FV team has for their work, as well as for this big family.

Bao Duy’s pride and love is also greatly inspired by FV’s motto to believe in medical ethics. In addition to a clear shared motto, each position at the hospital follows the value to put patients at the heart of the hospital. During his time working at FV, Duy always see the alignment of his personal value and the hospital’s value.

In his position as a cashier he has witnessed many awkward situations between the hospital and the patient. It can be about finance, insurance, records, or even family matters. But when he keeps following FV’s motto, every difficulty will be resolved, and the first priority is always help the patient recover from the disease. “Doctors spend more time understanding the disease, nurses are dedicated, and our work is to help patients and families reduce the pressure of treatment costs,” Duy explained.

In order to follow the motto “Belief in medical ethics”, it is necessary for the whole team to work smoothly and each individual must understand the work they are doing, and how they are contributing to the shared value. It’s not simply just doing. For his work, Mr Duy understands that, in addition to financial transparency, an important factor for the job to become more meaningful and valuable is his empathy for patients.

He shared: “Sometimes just a word of encouragement, a little effort to work overtime, can help patients and families get out of the initial moment of crisis.” Although he is not a member of the medical team, the situations and memories of his timely support always make him feel that he has helped someone, even saved a life. That indescribable feeling has probably kept many people living and working in the medical profession, including Bao Duy.

For Mr Nguyen Tran Bao Duy, the FV Shining Star award in October 2022 is a recognition bringing indescribable happiness to him. Hard work and kindness is the principal that he will invest in the work at FV. Surely, the kindness he shared, even the smallest, is never wasted and will always be recognised in some way. Once again, congratulations to Bao Duy for winning the award of FV Shining Star.