Shining star of Oct 2023

Ms Le Thi Tu Anh, a rotating receptionist/cashier for the Outpatient Department, describes herself as a person that values stability, yet her role needs her to be highly flexible. Ms Tu Anh’s ability to adapt and her dedication to her job have earned her the honour of FV Shining Star for October 2023.

This recognition is not the first time Ms Tu Anh has been nominated by her department. During each FV Shining Star period, members of the Cashier Department cast their “votes” for the best performer, giving them the chance to compete for the award across different departments at FV. Ms Tu Anh has been nominations twice in recent times.

Expressing her happiness, Ms Tu Anh said, “Everyone made an equal effort, but perhaps because of my rotating position, I was chosen by many colleagues who know and appreciate my work.” While the rotating position may offer advantages, Ms Tu Anh acknowledges the unique pressures and requirements it brings. Dealing with diverse information, remembering various details, and handling challenging situations are aspects of her job that surpass those in fixed roles.

With over 5 years of experience at FV, Ms Tu Anh shared that she regularly notes down patient characteristics in different departments, enabling her to interact appropriately with patients. She also keeps herself updated on changes in medical procedures, promotional programmes, within specialties, ensuring she can provide immediate support when assigned a new department. Ms Tu Anh emphasised, “This not only safeguards patient rights but also helps minimise risks and losses for the hospital, a crucial role for a cashier role.”

Although Ms Tu Anh acknowledges the ongoing need for learning at FV, she expresses confidence in tackling challenges at work. The positive impressions of the working environment, as well as the events organised by the hospital, particularly during the COVID-19 period, have fostered an emotional attachment to her job. Ms Tu Anh added, “Working at the hospital has brought about many positive changes in my life; for instance, I have gained more knowledge to better care for my family’s health.”

Reflecting on the working style of FV Shining Star October 2023, Ms Le Thi Tu Anh emphasised the importance of clear understanding among individuals regarding their assigned tasks. Congratulations once again to Ms Tu Anh; may she continue to find joy in her work and discover new things within the FV working environment.