Shining star of Sep 2022

She may not be very good at expressing herself in words, but her kindness and friendliness are evident traits that Ms Le Thi Quynh Anh (Nursing – Chemotherapy Area) embraces. On the day she received FV Shining Star award for September 2022, Ms Quynh Anh shed tears, tears for her devotion to the nursing profession, and affirmation of her contribution to FV.

After 14 years working at FV Hospital, Ms Quynh Anh has experienced both happy and sad memories. However, for her, the joy of helping patients become healed, or the peace of mind of the patient when being cared for, are the most memorable parts. “That shows the success in my work, especially when working with cancer patients, most of them are not very easy to take care of” said Quynh Anh.

Many cases of “infamous” patients, who are very difficult, turn to be comfortable and even praised her and the nursing team at the Oncology Chemotherapy Department. Quynh Anh said: “For some diseases such as cancer, many patients want to have empathy, care and the opportunity to share, rather than treating the disease completely.” Many years of experience have helped her to feel close to the patients; thereby she can understand and provide more appropriate care.

Nursing also makes her understand many different aspects about life, through contact with several patients and situations. It helped Quynh Anh become more engaged to her job. Moreover, the “collected” sympathy over the years made her attitude gradually become more considerate and gentle.

Many years of experience also helped Quynh Anh realise that the job is no longer very difficult regarding the technical side. The support from her colleagues, medical equipment, and clear procedures make patient care efficient and smooth, even for a newcomer. “The initial difficulty was in communication, but with everyone’s help, I tried to improve every day, now communicating with patients becomes a worthwhile task for me,” she shared.

To Ms Quynh Anh, a Shining Star of September 2022; nursing is a profession for people who are friendly, diligent and want to care for others. To engage with the job, with nothing but love and the willingness to improve your knowledge are the key. We wish you joy and health to continue to develop your precious career with FV.