Shining star of Sep 2023

FV Shining Star in September – Ms Nguyen Thi Hoa (Nursing – Medical West Ward) – is considered very gentle at work, as well as in everyday communication. Besides, she is dedicated to every little thing, which contributes to helping her to be nominated and become an FV Shining Star in 2023.

Ms Hoa always emphasises the AIDET tool during conversations; for her, this is something that has helped her change a lot in the way she works and lives. “At first, although I really liked FV, I didn’t have the confidence to come to work here”, Ms Hoa recalled when she came to the hospital for an interview. Yet, more than 6 years have passed, and the AIDET tool can be said to be a factor that has assisted in her development.

Initial surprises, differences in working procedures, language difficulties, and cultural differences with foreign patients made Ms Hoa’s work in the first months very stressful. She said it took her about a year to get used to the unique international environment at FV. “However, the things I learned through practice and internal training at FV are essential to me”, Ms Hoa added.

In addition to professional factors, what Ms Hoa feels she learned a great deal from FV – as mentioned – is communications. Admitting that she was a bit shy before, she is now more confident when communicating with colleagues or with patients. In addition, the connection and support between colleagues at the Internal Medical Department, as well as guidance from managers has also contributed to helping her have better work experiences.

The work is continuous, although there is pressure, but she does not consider it difficult or arduous. She said: “The good thing at FV is that the procedures are very detailed. You may not be familiar with them at first, but these are the things that will ensure patient safety, as well as protect medical staff”. Gradually, these things will help nurses better manage the pressures in the healthcare industry, thanks to the mentality of “doing it right and doing your best.”

The FV Shining Star award in September 2023, going to Ms Nguyen Thi Hoa, was an unexpected surprise, but also recognition of her efforts for the development of the hospital. Once again, we would like to congratulate you, wish you much joy, and find many more interesting development directions at FV