Silent Art Auction Programme For The Children Of Vietnam Charitable Fund At FV Hospital

When the “Give a child a chance in life” painting programme launched on June 15, 2018, we received nearly one hundred paintings from children of different ages, all of whom demonstrated imagination and creativity in their delightful, inspirational works.

The art is on display on the ground floor of F building, FV Hospital, for guests to enjoy and so they can choose which paintings they’d like to bid on at auction. Fifty per cent of the proceeds will be donated to the Children of Vietnam Fund for underprivileged children; the remainder will go directly to the artist.

This bright, colourful exhibit at FV is a striking remainder that Vietnamese youth want to help their less fortunate peers to undergo treatment by giving their time and imagination. Please visit this area and participate in the auction for a chance to own one of these unique paintings while also helping marginalised children to get the care they desperately need.

  • Auction period: From October 22, 2018 to December 31, 2018
  • How this auction works:
    • Participants must fill out their personal information and put their maximum bid on the tag. Highest bidder wins!
    • Minimum bid: VND 300,000
  • Announcement of auction winners: January 15, 2019