The Happiness Of Hearing Your Baby Cry For The First Time

Ms V.T.M (33, HCMC) has had ear inflammation since she was young but was never treated. During the period she got married and had children, her hearing ability reduced so significantly that she could not hear noises even at a distance of one metre, including her baby crying to be fed.

Previously, when Ms M. had been examined at other hospitals, doctors diagnosed that she was suffering from chronic otitis media and surgery was the only treatment.

However, Ms M. was discouraged from undergoing surgery, partly because of fear and partly because “the doctors did not say what the success rate might be”. When her illness worsened and she continued to suffer from tinnitus, dizziness, headaches and a constant discharge of pus, Ms M. came to FV Hospital’s Otolaryngology Department.

At FV Hospital, Ms M. met Dr Bernard Colin, a master with over 35 years of experience in otolaryngology treatment, and she was consulted about her illness in detail. Dr Bernard Colin said that Ms M. had chronic suppurative otitis media; she had already had a perforated eardrum for many years and was unable to hear using either ear.

If Ms M. agreed to have the surgery, doctors would scrape the bones clear of infection and patch the eardrum to restore her hearing in one ear. After this ear recovered, doctors would continue to operate on the other one to fully restore her hearing on both sides.

Confused and almost losing hope, Ms M. agreed to have the surgery after receiving clear, personalised advice from experienced and professional doctors. After surgery, Ms M. spent three days in hospital for post-operative care.

Ms M. says her ears are now completely dry with no discharge and she is extremely happy… because now she can hear her baby crying.

Like Ms M., today there are many people considering undergoing surgery to rediscover the sounds of the world around them but are still hesitant, many because they have not received detailed information about their prospective treatment and are uncertain of the success rate.

However, Dr Bernard Colin, formerly Head of Otolaryngology at St. Luc Hospital, Lyon, France, says that: “If you treat the disease early, immediately after it is detected, the rate of hearing recovery is up to 90 per cent”.Dr Bernard Colin recommends patients should be examined as soon as signs of hearing loss in one ear appear when they are in crowded or noisy places. Women particularly, especially during pregnancy or when breast-feeding, should undergo regular hearing checks. As childbearing is a sensitive period for a woman’s body, they can develop otosclerosis easily. This is a genetic problem caused by stiffness of the ossicular chain, mainly in the stapes.

Depending the level of sclerosis, the transmission of sound to the eardrum will decline. Otosclerosis progresses very slowly; common symptoms include tinnitus and hearing impairment, beginning in one ear and gradually spreading to both ears.

Dr Bernard Colin is a renowned foreign doctor collaborating annually with FV Hospital. Dr Colin is famous within Vietnam’s medical community for performing many complicated ear surgeries, especially surgical techniques to replace the stapes in otosclerosis cases.

From April 9 to 20, 2018, Dr Bernard Colin will offer consultations and treatment at FV Hospital’s Otolaryngology Department, one of FV’s core departments. Each clinic at the department is equipped with soft endoscopic system (made by Olympus, Japan) and a hard endoscopic system (made by Mega, Korea). Both endoscopic systems are suitable for both adult patients and children.

In addition, the Otolaryngology Department is equipped with a soundproof standard room with a modern audiometer and tympanometer.

Staffed by a team of Vietnamese and French experts and equipped with modern, international standard equipment, simple and complex surgeries are completed here according to strict antibacterial protocol with a high rate of success.

Due to Dr Colin’s expert skill, patients will experience a more gentle, soothing experience, be required to take less medication following surgery and recover more quickly.

Don’t let deafness become an obstacle in your communication. Don’t let worries about hearing loss make you stressed and lose sleep.

Book an appointment with Dr Bernard Colin from April 9 to 20, 2018, at FV Hospital’s Otolaryngology Department (6 Nguyen Luong Bang, District 7, HCM City) today to restore your hearing.
Please call (028) 54 11 33 33, ext. 7711.