The Laboratory & Blood Bank Department of FV Hospital Honoured at the Lab Quality Management Conference 2022–2023

On 17th November, 2023, Dr Nguyen Thi Hang, one of our experts at the Laboratory & Blood Bank Department of FV Hospital, was invited to attend the “Lab Quality Management Conference 2022-2023”. This event focused on assessing the quality in the field of medical testing, presenting and exchanging developments for the future in the Central and Southern Regions.

The conference was organised by the Quality Control Centre for Medical Laboratory of University of Medicine & Pharmacy HCMC, with the participation of leaders from the Ministry of Health, the Board of Directors of University of Medicine & Pharmacy HCMC, and leaders from Health Departments, Medical Operation Teams, Institutes, Hospitals and Medical Centres, as well as doctors and experts in the field of medical testing in the Central and Southern Vietnam regions. In addition to reviewing lab quality management, speakers at the conference also proposed many new options for testing quality control, especially in the fields of genetics, microbiology, and the application of digital technology in quality management.

During the conference, Dr Nguyen Thi Hang represented the Laboratory & Blood Bank Department of FV Hospital, receiving the Certified reference materials for accompanying the Centre. Currently, out of a total of more than 160 laboratories participating in external quality assessment with the Quality Control Centre for Medical Laboratory, FV Laboratory is one of the 16 reference units for the external quality assessment.

Dr Nguyen Thi Hang explained that in the past, FV Hospital mainly participated in external quality assessment with international units. In recent years, it has now begun to participate with the Quality Control Centre for Medical Laboratory in various programmes while maintaining its international external inspection activities. Since 2020, the Laboratory & Blood Bank Department has been chosen as the reference unit for the Centre. Dr Hang explained, “The centre will use the results of reference laboratories as a basis to evaluate the results of other units participating in external quality assessment.”

Currently, FV Hospital is the reference unit for the biochemical and HbA1c testing program. Dr Hang also noted that being a reference unit means an increase in the number of external control samples that the Testing and Blood Bank performs, providing more opportunities for research in quality control of testing procedures. This contributes to increasing the reliability of the results, support doctors in making the most accurate and beneficial decisions for patients in diagnosis and treatment.

The honoured recognition at the “Lab Quality Management Conference 2022-2023” partly demonstrates FV’s commitment to providing medical services to the community conscientiously and professionally. The FV Hospital Laboratory & Blood Bank Department, as a reference unit, hopes to contribute to the development of the medical laboratories in the region, emphasising scientific and professional management.

External Quality Assessment – EQA (External Quality Assessment) is an evaluation process performed periodically to assess the quality of testing methods. EQA’s purpose is to ensure that testing produces accurate, reliable, and comparable results worldwide.

Specifically, the EQA process includes providing test samples to testing units so they can conduct testing according to the declared implementation method. These models simulate realistic and complex conditions that laboratories may encounter during test performance. Once the laboratory completes the test and reports; their results are compared to the control sample’s standard range of results, usually determined by a professional organisation, reference body, or calibration centre. This helps evaluate the entire technical process of the laboratory and identify any issues that may affect the quality of the test.

Currently, in Vietnam, there are three Quality Control Centres for Medical Laboratory assigned by the Ministry of Health to lead medical lab quality control, including the Centre under Hanoi Medical University, the Centre under the University of Medicine & Pharmacy HCMC, and the Centre under Ho Chi Minh City Department of Health.