To give love is to receive happiness

There is a common saying that: “Happiness is magical, we only experience it when we give it to others.” Many of us have the desire to bring love and positive energy to those who are in need. When you spread love, you become alight with happiness – a feeling that soon spreads to the people around you.

“I Choose Happiness” is an inspirational programme to deliver the meaning of happiness through real stories that showcase human values in real life. In the June 9 show broadcast on HTV7, FV’s Sales and Marketing Director Ms Nguyen Thi Le Thu was a special guest on the programme, when she inspired millions of viewers across the country by sharing with them the charitable activities of the Children of Vietnam Fund.

The Fund was founded by FV Hospital and Thanh Nien Newspaper in 2006 to support disadvantaged, disabled children to undergo surgeries that help them to lead normal lives. In addition to her responsibilites at the hospital, Le Thu is also the director of the Fund. Le Thu believes that love and happiness are underpinned by the same values, belief, respect, and equality – the values that Ms. Le Thu and the Children of Vietnam Fund always advocate – and that sharing love and sincere kindness leads to joy beyond expectation.

With the slogan “Give a child a chance in life”, the Fund wants to spread its message throughout the country and ask everyone to make a donation under the Fund’s “ONE DOLLAR” programme — while one dollar might not seem much, when 100 or 10,000 people come together to donate one dollar each, it quickly adds up to effect huge change for underprivileged youngsters.

FV hopes that this competition and programmes such as HTV7’s “I Choose Happiness” will help to raise awareness of the Children of Vietnam Fund so it can help more people in need across the country.

We kindly invite you to watch the broadcast here to experience happiness.