Urinary Incontinence – Diagnosis And Treatment With Experts From France, Ending Your Self-conscious Anxiety

Urinary incontinence is the involuntary leakage of urine when coughing, sneezing or doing hard labour. The disease is not life-threatening, but it can cause genital tract diseases and make patients feel unconfident in their daily activities. With the technique of uretero-dynamic measurement, urologists accurately assess the state of urinary incontinence, thereby giving appropriate and effective treatment for patients.

There are two common types of urinary incontinence: The first is uncontrolled urination which occurs when the pelvic floor muscles and the urethral sphincter have been weakened. Under the influence of increased abdominal pressure, urine will automatically discharge. The second type is stress incontinence which occurs due to a dysfunctional or overactive bladder.

According to Urologist Nguyen Van Nhan – FV Hospital, 10 – 20% of women in the community suffer from urinary incontinence. The disease is common among postpartum women and women over 40 because the perineal area of this group is easily affected during pregnancy or influenced by hormones through menopause. This condition makes the tissues of the urogenital, the genital area, become soft or weak, resulting in urinary incontinence. Young women who work hard, play sports or rest too little after maternity are also susceptible to this disease.

Most cases of urinary incontinence can be cured successfully if diagnosed correctly and treated promptly by the urodynamics method. This is an important step for the urologist to assess the function of the bladder, bladder neck, urethral sphincter as well as the patient’s ability to control.

The Department of Urology and Andrology, in FV Hospital, is one of the first units in Vietnam to be equipped with modern urodynamic measuring machines, operated by well-trained experts. The Department has a team of qualified and experienced doctors who regularly coordinate with relevant departments (Obstetrics and gynaecology department, physiotherapy department, among others) to bring the best treatment results to patients.

Patients will be completely assured when visiting FV and experiencing a +closed treatment through the following steps: urological examination, ultrasound of the kidneys or pelvic area on the abdomen line, vaginal or rectal tract, rod tests in combination with total urine analysis, and urodynamic measurement. After obtaining the results of the urological measurements, the urologist will appoint appropriate treatments depending on the patient’s medical condition.

Urologist Dr Nguyen Van Nhan from France

From July 8 to August 24, 2019, Urologist Dr Nguyen Van Nhan from France will visit and work at FV Hospital. Doctor Nguyen Van Nhan was Head of the Urodynamics Department of CMUDD Grenoble Hospital (France), and has performed more than 20,000 urodynamics cases in France and Vietnam. He has made significant medical contributions to France and was awarded a National Medal by the French Minister of Health. In addition to examination and treatment for patients with urological diseases, which include urinary incontinence, frequent urination, urgent urination, dysuria, etc. Nhan also is able to perform urodynamics tests to diagnose urinary tract disorders in women and stress incontinence.

For more information or to make appointment with Dr Nguyen Van Nhan, please contact FV Hospital’s Department of Urology and Andrology: (028) 54 11 33 33 – Ext 1032.